Should Pets be allowed in Rentals??

Hey Pet Owners!
Have you had a hard time trying to find a place to rent in Vancouver that allows pets? I know I have!
If you love pets and possibly own one yourself, can you imagine having to give them up because you can’t find a place that will allow you to keep it when you move in? That’s the reality for a lot of pet owners. Pretty sad.
Have you heard the news? The City of Vancouver is trying to implement a ban on not allowing pets in rentals!

As someone that’s grown up with animals my entire life, I came across this same situation when trying to find a place to move after some life changes. I had the most adorable, house trained, and well mannered Westie-Poo, Dexter, and pretty much no landlord would accept me as a tenant with a pet.

There’s two sides to every story…

I see both sides of the story here. It can be worrisome for landlords to think about the potential damage a pet can produce in a home. They can end up leaving dander every where if they shed. If the pet isn’t house-trained, it could leave stains and smells throughout the home.
So with that said, I would say ask for a pet deposit. And if the pet deposit doesn’t cover the total cost of any potential damages, have your contract include some “what if’s”.
During COVID, there’s been some changes to the way we live. More people are working from home. We’re able to spend more time with our pets (if we have one). And in the beginning, the pet adoptions were skyrocketing. And life goes on and people still move and need a place to live. It’s challenging for those folks out there that have pets. That’s why the City of Vancouver is trying to allow for no bans on “no pets allowed” in rental properties.

This brings up quite a few questions…

What does this mean for landlords?

What does this mean for people who have allergies?
What does this mean for vicious breeds?
What does this mean for the strata act that is governed by the province, not the city?
What does it mean for current tenants that now want to find a pet?
In my opinion, I’m an advocate for this. I love animals and it’s proven that they can bring a lot of joy to our lives. They can help with depression, anxiety and loneliness. They are wonderful companions and why should renters not be allowed to enjoy them as well? Don’t get me wrong, there’s tons of landlords out there that allow pets but it’s also pretty hard to find those landlords.
We don’t have all the answers yet and there’s still lots that needs to be discussed and implemented but we want to hear your thoughts! Are you against this or for it? Why? Have you had some experiences you’d like to share?

Want more info?

Looking for some more articles on this topic? Check out Daily Hive’s article here:
And also related, the SPCA’s Daily Hive article regarding the importance of allowing pet-friendly homes:

Paws for Hope…

On a related side-note, I (the author of this post, Ayla), am one of the Directors of the Board of Directors for Paws for Hope. Paws for Hope is a non-profit organization that helps with the placement of pets in foster homes due to stressful situations such as emergency health issues with owners, abusive homes, and homes that do not allow pets, etc! I hold this cause very close to my heart.
If you want to find out more information on this non-profit organization and all the other fantastic things they do for pets, visit the website here:
To me, a home is not a home without a furry friend.
Let us know how you feel about it!
Thanks for reading.
Ayla (here with my now passed baby, Dexter)
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