What’s Happening with Mortgages and Real Estate during COVID?

Hi friends and followers!

Wow – what a crazy time. Our team has been busy behind the scenes trying to keep our clients informed, schedule listing timelines, working alongside our buyers and sellers and managing our family and home lives at the same time. Real Estate is still considered an essential service and we are still seeing sales across the Vancouver market. At the end of the day, people still need to buy and sell property.

Although none of us have crystal balls, we do have some assumptions about what the future may or may not look like for our market. If you were involved before COVID took over, you would know the Vancouver Real Estate market was very hot. We were seeing multiple offers, sales above asking price and many subject-free offers.

I recorded a video recently with my good friend and trusted mortgage broker, Anais Greer from 4Front Mortgages, who has some great insight into the effects of COVID on rates, deferrals and more.

Please click on the video above or listen on YouTube here. If you have any questions regarding mortgages, please contact Anais at [email protected] and 778-998-5830. And of course, I am available for any Real Estate related questions or concerns. You can find me at [email protected] or reach me on my cell at 604-880-7787.

We recognize that this is a challenging time for our community. We are doing virtual meetings via our phones and computers, so please do not hesitate to reach out to us. From our team to yours, stay safe and healthy!


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