Why Home Inspections are Important…
Home Inspections: One of the most important parts of the purchasing process
So, you’ve found the property you want to purchase. This may be the first purchase you’ve made, or maybe it’s the 10th… is it still important to have a home inspection done? What about if the property is brand new? It’s new, so everything should work, right? What about the fact that you’ve bought and sold a number of properties and you’ve taken on renovations and understand the typical mechanicals of a property? What about the fact that your uncle used to build houses? Doesn’t matter…
There are many reasons why home inspections are important. And this may not be your first rodeo, but that doesn’t mean this next property doesn’t come with some hidden information.

What does a home inspector look for?
A home inspection is going to help outline the operation of the home and explain to the purchaser how well things are working. The typical inspector will inspect items such as the main mechanical systems including plumbing and electrical, whether there’s moisture and/or mold in the bathroom(s) and kitchen, whether there’s evidence of previous leaks, how well the appliances seem to operate, whether there is proper drainage around the perimeter, the estimated lifespan of the roof, the parkade status (if buying strata), the condition of the foundation, the longevity of the hot water tank, and so much more.
Why is it important to have an inspection done when buying brand-new?
When you purchase a property brand new, you are entitled to what is called a deficiency walkthrough. This is where you go through the property from top to bottom and point out any flaws, replacements, and repairs that need addressing. A home inspection is going to help with these issues, as the inspectors know exactly what to look for that the typical person may miss. The last thing you want is to buy a brand-new home and find that the electrical system was assembled incorrectly or the plumbing has some leaks.
What to do in a multiple offer situation…
Now what happens if you found the perfect home but you know there’s going to be multiple offers, and the likelihood of getting an offer accepted with a subject to inspection clause is highly unlikely? This is where a pre-inspection is important. Before the offer deadline, you should have an inspection done to provide you with this imperative information on the operation of the home. You will have to front the money and could risk not getting the property, (home inspections typically cost $500-$700+ depending on the size of the property), but you will be prepared to take on any possible issues/repairs that are found if you end up purchasing the property. And in some cases, the sellers will be willing to address any issues found and rectify any problems.

Home Inspections for Sellers
It’s also a smart idea for sellers to hire home inspectors before selling. This proactive measure can help find any issues that a buyer might find with their own inspector. Also, being able to provide that inspection report for any potential buyers will help put them at ease. Not many sellers use this approach but it’s still not a bad idea. It can definitely help make the process smoother and give the impression that the sellers’ are not looking to hide anything. In fact, it shows that they want the buyers to feel safe and secure buying the property.
We’ve got a list of fantastic home inspectors to choose from.
If you’ve got questions about the purchasing process and the importance of home inspections, feel free to give us a shout.
Our team is dedicated to providing a trustworthy and non-stressful experience and this is just one of the pieces of the puzzle that helps make the process more smooth.